Fertilizer and Nutrient Management
Shola Aje

Fertilizers & Nutrients for Fruit trees and Plants

Nutrients play a very important role in the growth and development of plants. The growth and development of Plants depends on nutrients derived from soil or air, or supplemented by the use of fertilizers. The soil supplies most of the nutrients needed by plants. Plant growth is limited when there is an insufficient supply of these nutrients. In natural conditions, nutrients are recycled from plants to soil to meet plant needs. However, agricultural crops may require more nutrients than natural vegetation. Large amounts of nutrients are also removed in harvested crops. Optimal crop growth and profitability may require fertilization with inorganic fertilizers, animal manures, green manures, or legume management. Nutrient requirements for plants keep increasing as the plant grows.  Nutrients available in the soil are the primary source of nutrients for plants while organic or in-organic nutrient fertilizers are the secondary source of nutrients.  Organic and in organic fertilizers are applied to plants to ensure that the plants get enough nutrients. Crop production and growth can be impacted negatively if the nutrients are in excess or if the nutrients are deficient. Many deficiencies of nutrients in plants can be recognized by observing plant leaves. Plants require 17 essential elements found in nature to properly grow and develop. These elements are Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which are derived from the atmosphere and soil water. The remaining 15 essential elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine, and Nickel are supplied either from soil minerals and soil organic matter or by organic or inorganic fertilizers. Each type of plant is unique and has an optimum nutrient range as well as a minimum requirement level. Below this minimum level, plants start to show nutrient deficiency symptoms. Excessive nutrient uptake can also cause poor growth because of toxicity. Therefore, the proper amount of application and the placement of nutrients is very important. Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O) are utilized within the plant physical structure. These elements, obtained from the air (CO2) and water (H2O), are the basis for carbohydrates such as sugars and starch, which provide the strength of cell walls, stems, and leaves, and are also sources of energy for the plant and organisms that consume the plant. The 17plant element are grouped into elements that are required in large quantities which are called Macro Nutrients and elements required in very small quantities which are called Micro Nutrients.  Macro Nutrients are classified as Primary Macro Nutrients which include Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) and secondary Macro nutrients which include calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). These elements contribute to plant nutrient content, function of plant enzymes and biochemical processes, and integrity of plant cells.  Deficiency of these nutrients contributes to reduced plant growth, health, and yield; thus, they are the three most important nutrients supplied by fertilizers. Micro Nutrients are used in small quantities by the plant, but nevertheless are necessary for plant survival.  These micronutrients include iron (Fe), boron (B), copper (Cu), chlorine (Cl), Manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni). Description of the plant nutrient and deficiency symptoms: Nitrogen (N) Promotes rapid vegetative growth and gives plants healthy green color. Deficiency symptoms are stunted growth, pale, yellowish color, burning of tips and margins of leaves starting with older leaves at the lower section of the plants. Phosphorus (P) Stimulates early growth and root formation, hastens maturity, promotes seed production and makes plants hardy. Deficiency symptoms small root growth, spindly stalk, delayed maturity, purplish discoloration of leaves, dying of tips of older leaves, and poor fruit and seed development. Potassium (K) Improves plant’s ability to resist disease and cold, aids in the production of carbohydrates. Deficiency symptoms slow growth, margins on leaves develop a scorched effect starting on the older leaves, weak stalk, shriveled seed or fruit. Calcium (Ca) It aids in the movement of carbohydrates in plants, essential to healthy cell walls and root structure. Deficiency symptoms Terminal bud dies under severe deficiency, margins of younger leaves scalloped, blossoms shed prematurely, weak stalk or stem structure. Sometimes Calcium deficiency is triggered not by the absence of Calcium but inadequate or insufficient watering. Magnesium (Mg) It is an ingredient of chlorophyll, aids in the translocation of starch within the plant, essential for formation of oils and fats. Deficiency symptoms Yellowing of leaves between veins starting with lower leaves which are older, leaves abnormally thin, tissue may dry and die, leaves have tendency to curve upward. Sulfur (S) It helps in the formation of oils and parts of protein molecules. Deficiency symptoms young leaves light green to yellowish in color. In some plants older tissue may be affected also. Small spindly plants, retarded growth and delayed maturity. Interveinal chlorosis on some plant’s leaves. Boron (B) It helps  in the assimilation of calcium amount required is extremely small. Deficiency symptoms Death of terminal growth, causing lateral buds to develop and produce a witch’s broom effect. Thickened, curled, wilted and chlorotic leaves. Soft or neurotic spots in fruit or tubers. Reduced flowering or improper pollination. Copper (Cu) Promotes formation of Vitamin A, excess is very toxic. Deficiency symptoms Stunted growth, dieback of terminal shoots in trees, poor pigmentation, wilting and eventual death of leaf tips, formation of gum pockets around central pith in oranges. Manganese (Mn) It serves as an activator for enzymes in growth processes, assist iron in chlorophyll formation, generally required with zinc in foliar spraying of citrus. Deficiency Symptoms Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, gradation of pale color next to veins. Zinc (Zn) It is an essential constituent of several enzymes, controls synthesis of indoleacetic acid – an important growth regulator. The micronutrient most often needed by western crops- trees, grapes, beans, onions, tomatoes, cotton rice. Deficiency symptoms is leaf chlorosis resulting in yellowing between the veins of the leaves. Decreased stem length and rosetting of terminal leaves. Reduced fruit bud formation. Molybdenum (Mo) Required for Nitrogen utilization, needed to transform non protein Nitrogen  into amino acids,

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Pest and Disease Management
Shola Aje

Pest and Diseases Management of Fruit Trees and Plants

Pests and diseases are very destructive to fruit trees. There are many different types of pests and diseases that infest fruit trees and plants in general. Pest and diseases can be classified as either airborne or soil borne. Airborne pests are pests that affects the fruit trees and plants above the soil they feed mostly feed on the leaves and sometimes feed on the stem/branches of the trees. Examples of airborne pests are Aphids, Thrips, Mealybugs, White flies, Mites, Scales, Caterpillars, Ants, Leaf miners, Grasshoppers etc. Some airborne pests like Aphids secrete honeydew that attract destructive Ant colonies. Soil borne pests are pests that affects fruit trees and plants below the soil, they mostly feed on the roots or infect the roots with toxic pathogens. Examples of soil borne pests are Grubs, Termites, Root Knot Nematodes etc. Soil borne pest are very difficult to eliminate and also very difficult to see since they slowly damage the plants or fruit trees from the root zone and the symptoms on the surface are more or less similar to symptoms of Nutrient deficiencies. Root knot Nematodes infects the host tree or plant with fungal and bacterial disease which may eventually kill the tree. Management of Soil Borne and Air borne pests: Soil borne pests and Air borne pests can be managed with the use of both organic pesticides and inorganic pesticides. Organic Pesticides: Organic pesticides are pesticides made from naturally occurring chemicals. Neem oil and Insecticidal soaps are popular examples of organic pesticides. Neem oil is an oil extract from the seeds of the neem tree, while Insecticidal soap is an organic product made of potassium salts of fatty acids and is derived from plant oils. Organic pesticides are not as effective as inorganic pesticides, in most cases they do not kill the pests they simply disrupt their activities for a short while which could just be few hours or few days. In-Organic Pesticides:  In organic pesticides are pesticides made from man-made chemicals in laboratories.  In Organic pesticides can be very harmful to humans if not properly handled or used. In-organic pesticides are made to kill the pests and also destroy their eggs and larvae. Examples of In-organic pesticides chemical composition are Imidacloprid, Spirotetramat, Abamecticn, Lamda Cyhaiothrin, Thiamethoxan, Cypermethrin, Gamalin-20 etc. These in-organic pesticides are grouped into the following;  A, Insecticides for pests that are insects that are insects like White flies, Thrips, Ants, Moths, Grasshoppers, Scale insects, Leaf footed bugs, Aphids, Caterpillars, Leaf Miners etc. Examples of in organic insecticide chemical composition are Imidacloprid, Spirotetramat, Abamecticn, Lamda Cyhaiothrin, Thiamethoxan, Cypermethrin, Gamalin-20, Fluopyram etc. B, Acaricides for pests that are not insects but Anthropoids like mites and spiders, ticks. Examples of In -organic Acaricide chemicals are Abamectin C, Nematicides for pest that are Nematodes like the Guava root knot Nematodes.  Examples of in organic Nematicides are Fluopyram (Safe for human use),  Cabofuran (These has been banned in many countries) Fungal Disease: Fungal disease are fairly easy to see on infected trees and fruits. They appear as discolorations or necrotic spots on the leaves and fruits, in some cases the parts or all of the fruits start to decay. Fungal diseases are more common during the raining season as the fungal spores are easily spread by the splashing rainfall. Some fungal disease causes rapid defoliation of trees which may be fatal to the tree. Examples of fungal disease are Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight, Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew, Fruit Rot, Phomopsis etc. Bacterial Disease: Bacterial disease are much more difficult to diagnose since they show symptoms similar to fungal diseases.  Bacterial infection in plants may show up as specks, spots and blights on leaves or cankers wilt and galls on stems. Bacterial disease in plants can be transmitted by rain splash, wind driven rain fall, insects, birds, animals and agricultural equipment that has not been disinfected. Examples of Bacterial disease in plants are Bacterial blight, Wilt, Gummosis etc. Management of Fungal and Bacterial infection in plants: Fungal and bacterial infection can be managed with the use of both organic and inorganic fungicides and bactericides Organic Fungicides Bactericides: Organic fungicides and Bactericides are fungicides made from naturally occurring chemicals. Examples of Organic Fungicides are Neem oil and baking soda, Neem oil is also a bactericide. Neem oil is one of the most popular organic fungicides. Neem oil is an oil extract from the seeds of the neem tree. However, Neem oil is very limited in it preventive and curative capabilities as a fungicide and Bactericides, However Neem Oil has proven to be a preventive fungicide for Anthracnose and a preventive bactericide for some bacteria fire blight. Organic Fungicides and Bactericides are not as effective as inorganic fungicide Bactericides, in most cases they do not kill the fungal spores they simply disrupt their activities for a short while which could just be few hours or few days. In-Organic Fungicides and Bactericides:  In organic Fungicides and Bactericides are made from man-made chemicals in laboratories.  In Organic pesticides can be very harmful to humans if not properly handled or used. In-organic Fungicides and Bactericides are made to kill and destroy the Fungal spores and Bacteria. Most Fungicides and Bactericides have curative and preventive properties. Examples of In-organic Fungicide and Bactericide chemical composition are Azoxystrobin, Mancozeb, Carbendazim, Pyraclostrobin, Metalaxyl etc.

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Plant Propagation Techniques
Shola Aje

Plant Propagation Techniques

Plant propagation is the process of making new plants. If you have planted seeds and it sprouted or if you have taken the cuttings of a plant and planted it in the ground and it rooted then you have performed plant propagation. Plant propagation can be classified into two; 1, Sexual Propagation 2, Asexual Propagation Sexual Propagation Sexual propagation produces new plants from seeds. Sexual propagation is very easy and it does not require any equipment or technique. It is simply nature’s way of producing plants from seeds. Advantages of sexual propagation 1, Seeds are readily available for planting 2, No skills needed in planting seeds Disadvantages of Sexual Propagation 1, Planting of seeds does not always guarantee plants that will have the same characteristics as the parent tree 2, Planting of seeds leads to the plants going through a very long juvenile period before it starts producing fruits. Asexual Propagation Asexual plant propagation uses vegetative parts of the plant to make a clone, or an exact genetic copy, of the parent plant. Asexual propagation has several advantages, including the ability to genetically reproduce the parent plant. In most cases, it allows plants to produce fruits much earlier than plants planted by seeds. Several methods are available for the asexual propagation of plants, These methods includes; Cuttings, Air-Layering, Budding, Grafting and Tissue culture. Advantages of asexual propagation 1, Plants produced by asexual propagation methods have the same characteristics as the parent tree. 2, Plants produced by asexual propagation methods have a very short juvenile stage, hence they start producing fruits much earlier than the same plant propagated by seeds 3, It allows commercial orchards to plant seedlings that have the same characteristics hence fruit size, taste, color etc will be the same for every tree. Disadvantages of asexual Propagation 1, Specialized skills and equipment is needed for the asexual propagation of plants 2, It takes a lot of time to produce plants by the method of asexual propagation when compared to the time it takes a seed of the same plant to germinate. 3, Some trees produced from asexual propagation techniques like air layering and cuttings do not have tap roots, such trees can be easily uprooted in areas with very strong winds. Cuttings Cuttings are  parts of plants removed from a parent plant and rooted to form new plants. Cuttings are usually taken from the stems and these stems are inserted in soil or water medium until they start having roots. The cuttings are removed and transplanted once they have roots and new leaves. Air Layering Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems still attached to the parent plant. The phloem and cambium is removed over 3 cm section of the stem and the portion of stem (8cm long) immediately above the place where the phloem and cambium layer was removed is wrapped with either moist sand, moist saw dust, moist coconut coir or damp moss  to encourage roots to form. This method allows of very large stems and branches to be turned into new trees within a very short period. Grafting Grafting is the joining of two plants together. The upper part of the graft (the scion) becomes the top of the plant, the lower portion (the Rootstock) becomes the root system or part of the trunk Only the growth on the scion is desirable all other growth on the rootstock should always be removed. Budding Budding is a grafting technique in which a single bud from the desired scion is attached to a rootstock rather than an entire scion containing many buds. Only the growth from the bud from the Scion is desirable, all other buds on the Rootstock must be removed.

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Growing Guides
Shola Aje

Tangerine/Mandarin Tree Growing Guide

Tangerine / Mandarin tree grows easily either in pots / containers or in the ground. There are so many varieties of Tangerine / Mandarin with variations in fruit size and color. Tangerine / Mandarins are healthy fruits packed with healthy nutrients and the nuts from the seeds are very delicious. Planting Environment Tangerine / Mandarin can be planted in pots /containers or in the ground Planting Materials Tangerine / Mandarin should be planted as Air layered seedlings, budded or grafted seedlings, propagated from mature plants, this is to ensure that you get seedlings that will bear fruit within 2 to 3 years and also seedlings that will have the same characteristics as the parent tree. Soil Types Tangerine / Mandarin requires soils that drains well and also rich in organic matter, loamy soil is a very good example.  Tangerine / Mandarin that will be planted in pots or containers need soils that drains very well. Planting Tangerine / Mandarin in pots or containers using a soil that drains poorly will cause the plant to be stunted or cause the plants to die. Excess water retention in soil inside containers or pots with plants is totally undesirable to the plants. Sunlight Requirement Tangerine / Mandarin requires full sunlight hours of at least 8 hours a day, if your Tangerine / Mandarin tree is not getting enough sunlight daily, the tree will not produce many fruits. Before you plant your Tangerine / Mandarin tree in the ground, you need to ensure that tree will experience at least 8 hours of full sunlight in the area that it will be planted. Fertilizer and Nutrient Requirements Tangerine / Mandarin requires fertilizers that contains Macro and micro nutrients. The best fertilizers for Tangerine / Mandarin are either organic fertilizers like Chicken Manure or in organic fertilizers that has all the Macro and Micronutrients. If your Tangerine / Mandarin is planted in a pot only apply organic fertilizers to the soil and in-organic fertilizers as a foliar spray on the leaves. Apply chicken manure (ensure its well composted) every 4 weeks and also apply a foliar fertilizer with Macro and micro nutrients every 4 weeks too. For Tangerine / Mandarin planted in containers, ensure you water them daily (Depends on the weather). Ensure that your Tangerine / Mandarin tree does not experience insufficient water, lack of water or not enough water for your Tangerine / Mandarin tree will induce Calcium deficiency which will lead to a stunted tree and low fruit productivity. Pest & Disease management Tangerine / Mandarin trees are regularly infected by insects as well as fungal diseases. Common pests that attack Tangerine / Mandarin are Thrips, Aphids, Leaf miners, Scale insects and Mealybugs. Organic Pesticides like neem oil and insecticidal soaps can be used however this will not kill the pests rather it simply chases them away for a brief period. In-organic pesticides are the only solution towards killing the insects, their eggs and larvae. Pesticides should be applied once a month to prevent infestation. Tangerine / Mandarin trees are also regularly infected by fungi most especially during the raining season where the splashing of water and the damp atmosphere makes it easy for fungal spores to be spread. Common Fungal diseases of Tangerine / Mandarin are Phomopsis, Anthracnose, leaf spots and bacterial blight Neem oil should be sprayed every 2 weeks during the fruiting season to prevent Anthracnose. Organic fungicide like neem oil helps to prevent Anthracnose, however In-organic fungicides are the best choice since they have both preventive and curative capabilities.  Fungicides should be applied every 2 weeks to 3 weeks During the rainy season applying fungicides every 2 weeks will prevent infection from Fungi. Time to Fruiting Tangerine / Mandarin grown by seed takes about 6 to 7 years before they start bearing fruits.  Also, commercial harvest from seed grown Tangerine / Mandarin occurs in the 8th year. Tangerine / Mandarin grown by air layering, budding and grafting takes about 2 to 3 years before they start bearing fruits. Commercial harvest from trees grown from air layering and grafting occurs in the 4th year. Tangerine / Mandarin trees are self-pollinating which means you do not need another tree for pollination. Harvesting of Fruits It usually takes about 6 to 12 months from flowering to harvesting.  Tangerine / Mandarin fruits generally have a short shelf life of 7 days without refrigeration.

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Growing Guides
Shola Aje

Tangelo Tree Growing Guide

Tangelo tree grows easily either in pots / containers or in the ground. There are so many varieties of Tangelo with variations in fruit size and color. Tangelos are healthy fruits packed with healthy nutrients and the nuts from the seeds are very delicious. Planting Environment Tangelo can be planted in pots /containers or in the ground Planting Materials Tangelo should be planted as Air layered seedlings, budded or grafted seedlings, propagated from mature plants, this is to ensure that you get seedlings that will bear fruit within 2 to 3 years and also seedlings that will have the same characteristics as the parent tree. Soil Types Tangelo requires soils that drains well and also rich in organic matter, loamy soil is a very good example.  Tangelo that will be planted in pots or containers need soils that drains very well. Planting Tangelo in pots or containers using a soil that drains poorly will cause the plant to be stunted or cause the plants to die. Excess water retention in soil inside containers or pots with plants is totally undesirable to the plants. Sunlight Requirement Tangelo requires full sunlight hours of at least 8 hours a day, if your Tangelo tree is not getting enough sunlight daily, the tree will not produce many fruits. Before you plant your Tangelo tree in the ground, you need to ensure that tree will experience at least 8 hours of full sunlight in the area that it will be planted. Fertilizer and Nutrient Requirements Tangelo requires fertilizers that contains Macro and micro nutrients. The best fertilizers for Tangelo are either organic fertilizers like Chicken Manure or in organic fertilizers that has all the Macro and Micronutrients. If your Tangelo is planted in a pot only apply organic fertilizers to the soil and in-organic fertilizers as a foliar spray on the leaves. Apply chicken manure (ensure its well composted) every 4 weeks and also apply a foliar fertilizer with Macro and micro nutrients every 4 weeks too. For Tangelo planted in containers, ensure you water them daily (Depends on the weather). Ensure that your Tangelo tree does not experience insufficient water, lack of water or not enough water for your Tangelo tree will induce Calcium deficiency which will lead to a stunted tree and low fruit productivity. Pest & Disease management Tangelo trees are regularly infected by insects as well as fungal diseases. Common pests that attack Tangelo are Thrips, Aphids, Leaf miners, Scale insects and Mealybugs. Organic Pesticides like neem oil and insecticidal soaps can be used however this will not kill the pests rather it simply chases them away for a brief period. In-organic pesticides are the only solution towards killing the insects, their eggs and larvae. Pesticides should be applied once a month to prevent infestation. Tangelo trees are also regularly infected by fungi most especially during the raining season where the splashing of water and the damp atmosphere makes it easy for fungal spores to be spread. Common Fungal diseases of Tangelo are Phomopsis, Anthracnose, leaf spots and bacterial blight Neem oil should be sprayed every 2 weeks during the fruiting season to prevent Anthracnose. Organic fungicide like neem oil helps to prevent Anthracnose, however In-organic fungicides are the best choice since they have both preventive and curative capabilities.  Fungicides should be applied every 2 weeks to 3 weeks During the rainy season applying fungicides every 2 weeks will prevent infection from Fungi. Time to Fruiting Tangelo grown by seed takes about 6 to 7 years before they start bearing fruits.  Also, commercial harvest from seed grown Tangelo occurs in the 8th year. Tangelo grown by air layering, budding and grafting takes about 2 to 3 years before they start bearing fruits. Commercial harvest from trees grown from air layering and grafting occurs in the 4th year. Tangelo trees are self-pollinating which means you do not need another tree for pollination. Harvesting of Fruits It usually takes about 6 to 12 months from flowering to harvesting.  Tangelo fruits generally have a short shelf life of 7 days without refrigeration.

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Growing Guides
Shola Aje

Soursop Tree Growing Guide

SourSop grows easily either in pots / containers or in the ground. There are so many varieties of SourSop with variations in fruit size and taste. Soursops are healthy fruits packed with healthy nutrients. Planting Environment SourSop can be planted in pots / containers or in the ground Planting Materials SourSop should be planted as Air layered seedlings or grafted seedlings, propagated from mature plants, this is to ensure that you get seedlings that will bear fruit within 1 to 2 years and also seedlings that will have the same characteristics as the parent tree. Soil Types SourSop require soils that drains well and also rich in organic matter, loamy soil is a very good example.  SourSop that will be planted in pots or containers need soils that drains very well. Planting SourSop in pots or containers using a soil that drains poorly will cause the plant to be stunted or cause the plants to die. Excess water retention in soil inside containers or pots with plants is totally undesirable to plants. Sunlight Requirement SourSop requires full sunlight hours of at least 8 hours a day, if your SourSop tree is not getting enough sunlight daily, the tree will not produce many fruits. Before you plant your SourSop tree in the ground, you need to ensure that tree will experience at least 8 hours of full sunlight. Fertilizer and Nutrient Requirements SourSop requires fertilizers that contains Macro and micro nutrients. The best fertilizers for SourSop are either organic fertilizers like Chicken Manure or in organic fertilizers that has all the Macro and Micronutrients. If your SourSop is planted in a pot only apply organic fertilizers to the soil and in-organic fertilizers as a foliar spray on the leaves. Apply chicken manure (ensure its well composted) every 4 weeks and also apply a foliar fertilizer with Macro and micro nutrients every 4 weeks too. For SourSop planted in containers, ensure you water them daily (Depends on the weather). Ensure that your SourSop tree does not experience insufficient water, lack of water or not enough water for your SourSop tree will induce Calcium deficiency which will lead to a stunted tree and low fruit productivity. Pest & Disease management SourSop are regularly infected by insects as well as fungal diseases. Common pests that attack SourSop are Thrips, Scale insects and Mealybugs. Organic Pesticides like neem oil and insecticidal soaps can be used however this will not kill the pests rather it simply chases them away for a brief period. In-organic pesticides are the only solution towards killing the insects, their eggs and larvae. Pesticides should be applied once a month to prevent infestation. SourSop are also regularly infected by fungi most especially during the raining season where the splashing of water and the damp atmosphere makes it easy for fungal spores to be spread. Common Fungal diseases of SourSop are Anthracnose, leaf spots and bacterial blight Neem oil should be sprayed every 2 weeks during the fruiting season to prevent Anthracnose. Organic fungicide like neem oil helps to prevent Anthracnose, however In-organic fungicides are the best choice since they have both preventive and curative capabilities.  Fungicides should be applied every 2 weeks to 3 weeks During the rainy season applying fungicides every 2 weeks will prevent infection from Fungi. Time to Fruiting SourSop grown by seed takes about 4 to 6 years before they start bearing fruits.  Also, commercial harvest from seed grown SourSop occurs in the 7th year. SourSop grown by air layering, and grafting takes about 1 to 2 years before they start bearing fruits. Commercial harvest from trees grown from air layering and grafting occurs in the 3rd year. The soursop tree will fail to produce fruit if its flowers are not pollinated. Soursop flowers are pollinated by beetles, which may be absent if there is fogging or usage of pesticides in the surroundings. You will have to use hand-pollination to promote fruit production in absence of pollinating insects like beetles. Soursop trees are self-pollinating which means you do not need another tree for pollination. Harvesting of Fruits It usually takes about 4 to 5 months from flowering to harvesting.  SourSop fruits generally have a short shelf life of few days.

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